Mindful Recovery

A supportive community for people overcoming substance abuse and promoting mental health. Here we work with people on overcoming addictions. Don't believe me? Look at the statistics. Look at the resources I will give you. I am 22 years old, and I decided to quit drugs after 7 years. It all started with smelling it. Smelling it was what lead me to go looking for it. However, I can accredit it to leading me up to the point of recovery and down the path of life where I can decide to turn around and help others as a service.

About Me

I am a 22-year-old addict. I have been addicted to marijuana and all kind of substances since the time I started Highschool. I had to suffer a lot and go through rough patches in my life to realize the main drug that is holding me down is the marijuana. It was my gateway to drugs and will always be the one holding me down. I ended up with schizophrenia and have to take medicine to regulate the neurochemicals firing in my brain.


$ Addiction deludes you into seeking relief by using more of the thing that's causing you misery $



  1. "Just won't use today" (Use this everyday, after a couple days the cravings get shorter)
  2. We tore down as fast as we built. That's the kind of people we are and we must recognize that to recover. All of us must know the nature of the illness, the nature of the addict, and the nature of recovery. All these things are necessary to grow., and to live, and to change.
  3. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


As our community is free here, any crypto donations are greatly appreciated. For daily upkeep with website, maintenance costs and a cup of coffee to keep me going through the day
